Author(s): Mukhtar Ali Lati and Dr. Vikas Bhandari
Abstract: The present work is a thorough study of the relations of two rivalry nations –India and Pakistan. These two countries are the close neighbors’ of each other. The relationship between these two countries are always off and on. Both the countries share same culture same festivals same ethics however between the two countries KASHMIR is the bone of contention. Pakistan says Kashmir is our jugular vein and India says Kashmir is just like head of our body. This work concludes that if both the countries work together for the eradication of poverty there will be no person left without food and both the countries should shun their difference so that peace may prevail in central Asia.
Mukhtar Ali Lati, Dr. Vikas Bhandari. The Unpredictable relations of India and Pakistan. Int J Political Sci Governance 2020;2(1):97-103. DOI: 10.33545/26646021.2020.v2.i1b.39