Tight rope diplomacy of India in the wake destabilized geopolitical scenario
Author(s): Lalit Salunke
Abstract: The consequences of Ukraine conflict raised our awareness of the implications of globalization which we saw with LPG (Liberalization; Globalization; Privatization) reforms introduced by Narshima Rao administration. In post 1991 reforms we cannot remain indifferent to global developments. Foreign policy which seems to something foreign related and evokes distance and divergence has been downrightly proved myth, as foreign policy has now reached our very homes. The impact of the Ukraine conflict has been visible in sectors ranging from energy and metals to grain & fertilizers. The detrimental impact between world two biggest power the United States of America and People’s Republic of China can hardly be ignored. This time calls for strong leadership for India to navigate its way through this turbulent times. This paper throws considerable light how India maintained its Tight rope diplomacy which has been largely praised all over world and shows how India is dealing with world which has become a Bazaar of less pretense and more assertion one’s own interests.
Lalit Salunke. Tight rope diplomacy of India in the wake destabilized geopolitical scenario. Int J Political Sci Governance 2024;6(2):175-178. DOI: 10.33545/26646021.2024.v6.i2c.380