India and ASEAN: Acting east to pursue new prospects in the age of globalisation
Author(s): Dr. Rouble Rani Sharma
Abstract: The changing geopolitical landscape of the world today presents both new problems and possibilities for all nations. Global actors are reviving up their foreign policy to meet these challenges and take full advantage of the possibilities that present themselves. In this age of globalisation, India is also strengthening its relations with other countries and multilateral regional organisations like the EU, BRICs, African Union, and ASEAN, among others. The MGC, BIMSTEC, and the Association for the Rim of the Indian Ocean are other regional organisations where India has assumed a leadership position. A fundamental concern associated with these platforms is how our country manages and regulates its link with other significant power centres in this globalised era. Therefore, we are offering a very systematic strategy in this era of global multilateral cooperation.
Dr. Rouble Rani Sharma. India and ASEAN: Acting east to pursue new prospects in the age of globalisation. Int J Political Sci Governance 2023;5(2):138-143. DOI: 10.33545/26646021.2023.v5.i2b.269