Innovative solutions to border management challenges for trade facilitation in the east African community
Author(s): Vedaste Ndizera
Abstract: Integrated Border Management (IBM) constitute an innovative solution to trade facilitation challenges in the East African Community (EAC). Through a content analysis, this paper presents and investigation into the state of the art for cross-border trade facilitation by means of integrated border management systems in the EAC. Procedures for clearing goods at border posts are addressed vis-à-vis the introduction of automated systems for document checking and clearing. Evidence suggests that trade facilitation can be understood within the narrow context of integrated border management and IBM systems and trade facilitation can be better understood from an IBM’s perspective. The use of ICT systems such as the Electronic Single Window (E-SW) software, X-ray, gamma imaging, infrared sensors, heat sensing cameras, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), biometric data such as facial recognition, fingerprints and iris scanning, Electronic Cargo System and the use of Truck Scanning Machines are eloquent examples of innovative solutions that resulted in trade facilitation impact. Thus, integrated border management systems have the potential to greatly improve border and customs processes thus contributing to trade facilitation in the region. However, the presence of different agencies with multiple lines of accountability and different organizational cultures calls for enhanced coordination and cooperation at different levels in the cross-border supply chain.
Vedaste Ndizera. Innovative solutions to border management challenges for trade facilitation in the east African community. Int J Political Sci Governance 2023;5(1):328-336. DOI: 10.33545/26646021.2023.v5.i1e.238