India’s political economy in health and transformation of healthcare sector
Author(s): Pinki
Abstract: The revolutionary changes in Indian health policy show how committed the government is to the welfare and health of its people, as well as how well-versed it is in political economy. By promptly identifying and acknowledging the problems, significant progress has been accomplished during the past seven years. To find workable policy solutions and policies, an analytical and problem-solving methodology is applied. Once produced, these solutions and policies are accompanied by an enabling environment to ensure sustainability. The policy is then introduced when there is a political opportunity, creating a platform with clear political attention pathways. In current political and economic issues, this narrative study critically examines the Government of India's (GoI) progressive attempts to provide effective, equitable, accessible, inexpensive, and high-quality healthcare. In this paper we analysis of the effects of political and economic forces on improving healthcare systems, infrastructure, service delivery, policy recommendations and interventions, offering financial risk protection, and economic implications has been done in order to discuss the claims made in the previous sentence.
DOI: 10.33545/26646021.2023.v5.i1b.211Pages: 113-117 | Views: 588 | Downloads: 24Download Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
India’s political economy in health and transformation of healthcare sector . Int J Political Sci Governance 2023;5(1):113-117. DOI: