Online learning during covid-19 pandemic and right to education in India
Author(s): Sunil Dutt
Abstract: The power of an invisible enemy has affected every walk of human life be it political, social, Economic, educational, Environmental and almost everything. This invisible enemy in current situation is none other than Covid-19 also called Corona Virus which is emerged from Wuhan Province of China in December 2019 and spread across the world by transmission from one human to another. The impact of Covid-19 is most disastrous on the developing and overpopulated countries like India. The Covid-19 pandemic has been the worst shock to traditional education system in India. Schools are just not meant for educating children but they socialize and civilize children and the future of the nation is decided by the quality of teaching and learning maintained by the schools. Education is a fundamental right in India under article 21-A enshrined in part III of Indian Constitution and under RTE act 2009 and it comes under right to life and personal liberty and according to Indian constitution this right can never be violated at any situation. Due to closures of Schools the traditional classroom practices needs to be transformed to e-learning tech based online learning. The study primarily deals the evaluation of impact of Covid-19 on right to education, challenges and associated opportunities.
Sunil Dutt. Online learning during covid-19 pandemic and right to education in India. Int J Political Sci Governance 2022;4(1):143-145. DOI: 10.33545/26646021.2022.v4.i1b.148