Role of non-government organisations in disaster management: An overview
Author(s): Dr. P Venugopala Rao
Abstract: India is the most dominant area in NGO activities and they play an important role in different stages of Disaster Cycle, and different elements are attributed for its successful operation. Technical skills of NGO’s are important for rescue, coordination and for relief activities. Commitment is the key word for reconstruction and rehabilitation and cooperation of different stakeholders is important for preparedness. Sustainability, flexibility and motivation are the key words for the successful NGO operation in the field of disaster management and role of NGO’s is well appreciated. NGO’s provide linkage between the people and help the people during, before and after the disasters. The critical role of the NGOs in disaster reduction and response has been widely acknowledged. More and more NGOs are involved in disaster-related activities in Asia; however, networking and collaboration among them has been weak due to the lack of resources and organizational constraints.
Dr. P Venugopala Rao. Role of non-government organisations in disaster management: An overview. Int J Political Sci Governance 2022;4(1):95-98. DOI: 10.33545/26646021.2022.v4.i1b.141