Evaluate modes, variables and government initiatives for participation of women in Indian politics
Author(s): Urmiladevi Chauhan, Dr. Madhu Gupta and Dr. Pratima Pareek
Abstract: Women participation of politics has constantly been a problem concerning modern day political professionals. Traditionally, they played second fiddle to the male counterparts of theirs for no faults of theirs. Gender issues based on social and gender equity are actually cross-national and interdisciplinary in nature. India that is provided in the world's largest democratic nation, in which participation of politics of females & males is actually a good attempt. There's considerable study on political empowerment as well as participation of females in politics. In order to secure female's rightful place in society as well as in order to allow them to determine the own destiny of theirs and for the progress of sustainable and genuine democracy, female's participation in politics is actually essential. In this paper we try to discuss modes, variable as well as government initiatives of political participation for women in India.
Urmiladevi Chauhan, Dr. Madhu Gupta, Dr. Pratima Pareek. Evaluate modes, variables and government initiatives for participation of women in Indian politics. Int J Political Sci Governance 2021;3(2):23-25. DOI: 10.33545/26646021.2021.v3.i2a.101