Abstract: An attempt has been made in this paper to analyse the struggle and sacrifice of Banda Singh Bahadur against the cruelty, exploitation, inequality and injustice of Mughal Empire. His struggle and sacrifice for the society against the then Mughal Empire is remarkable in the history. The main objective of this study is to highlight the sacrifice of Banda Singh Bahadur for mankind. For this purpose, the paper has been divided into five parts. The first part deals with the early life of Banda Singh Bahadur. The second part deals with the meeting between Banda Singh Bahadur (the then Madho Das Bairagi) and Guru Gobind Singh. His march towards Punjab has been discussed in the third part of this paper. Fourth part of the study relates with the establishment of First Sikh State by him. Last part deals with his martyrdom along with his comrades. Historical and analytical approach has been adopted in this study. Both primary and secondary sources have been used in this study.
Dr. Bhupinder Singh. Banda Singh Bahadur: An unsung national hero. Int J Political Sci Governance 2019;1(2):68-70. DOI: 10.33545/26646021.2019.v1.i2a.190